The Little Warren Railway, a five inch gauge garden railway in Constable Country

A visit from Henry Pease...

The Little Warren Railway

When we moved into our house, the railway-minded members of the family looked at the garden and started dreaming about having our own passenger-carrying railway.

We hope that after your visit to this site you'll have an idea of what it took to make that happen. The railway is mainly for the amusement of family and friends, but we in recent years we have held an open day for St Helena Hospice.

We also have a portable track, allowing us to bring the railway to you in return for a donation to the hospice or the chance to collect donations on the day. Contact us for more information.

For more up to date information, visit us on Facebook by searching for @littlewarrenrailway

Thanks for visiting.

On Saturday June 2nd we will be running to raise funds for St Helena Hospice. If you'd like to enjoy tea, cake, and a ride on the train then you'd be most welcome.


We started with one loco and a length of track on the paving outside the back door. Now we have a ground level circuit of 75 metres with a siding into a small engine shed.


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